Winter images and cold cold hands

Again, winter images are fun to take but damn my hands get cold.  Last year a purchased a pair of Burton liners gloves with sticky grip from Sports Basement.  They provide my hands with great dexterity, feedback and insulation.  However, I quickly learned they do not work for shooting in 18-degrees at sunset at Sand Harbor.  Seriously my hands were useless by the end of the shoot.  I wanted to stay longer but need to get in the car.  I cranked up the heat causing my nerves to burn from the defrosting pain.  I will find better gloves and let you photographers know what works in the cold.  Here are the gloves and here is the photo of the day they helped produce.  The photo of the day was taken with white balance setting of daylight to highlight the warm light from the sun.  I also boosted the overall saturation very little.  I like how the right side of the image is painted in beautiful light and balanced by the cold snow covered boulders on the left.  Image was taken at f/11 on a tripod with my 24-105mm L lens and it is a stitch of 5 images.

Amazing Gloves but not for sub 20-degrees!

Photo of the Day, 11.24.10

Notice the beautiful color of the setting sun.  I took this photo during the golden hours (Right before sunset to about 30 mins afterwards).  The low angle sun makes photos beautiful.  Realistically, photographers only get a few shots during the golden hours, and this limitation makes good landscape images so compelling….Not to mention 18-degrees.  Here is an example of regular light and beautiful light.  What a difference 30 mins makes 🙂

Here are a few more images of winter images.  I wished I stayed longer and shot more.  Next time.

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